Local and Global, but Not National: Citizenship Education of South Asian Migrant Students in Post-Colonial Hong Kong

Local and Global, but Not National: Citizenship Education of South Asian Migrant Students in Post-Colonial Hong Kong
Wai-chi CHEE
This article examines how schools in Hong Kong attempt to craft South Asian migrant students into desirable citizens and how the youths understand themselves as members of Hong Kong and of a global community. The contestation has to do both with how South Asians are viewed in Hong Kong and with how post-colonial Hong Kong is related to China. The process of citizen-making of transnational youths, I argue, is best understood at the local–national–global intersection.

Publication date


Journal title, volume/issue number, page range

Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 51(2): 146-164




Social Sciences


National politics
Diasporas and Migration