Social Innovation, Value Penetration, and the Power of the Nonprofit Sector: Workers’ Co-Operative Societies in Hong Kong

Social Innovation, Value Penetration, and the Power of the Nonprofit Sector: Workers’ Co-Operative Societies in Hong Kong
Haijing Dai, Yan Lau, Ka Ho Lee
Using Care Store as a case study, this research examines the innovative development and value penetrations of workers’ co-operative societies in Hong Kong. Care Store operates through the practices of equality and mutual care, in the unfriendly neoliberalist social order of Hong Kong. The society penetrates the dominant models of labor organization and consumption process. But the penetration of structural inequalities is limited, because the female workers of the society remain low-income laborers, social boundary and exclusion still take place, and the workers internalize their cultural inferiority. In comparison with innovative organizations in other regions, workers’ co-operative societies in Hong Kong have little opportunity to rely on or collaborate with the public and private sectors, and they explore a more progressive path of penetration in development. Practices strengthening this path can not only sustain these young organizations but also enrich the understanding of the true potentials of the nonprofit sector.

Publication date


Journal title, volume/issue number, page range

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 2019, Vol. 48(6) 1210 –1228

ISSN DOI: 10.1177/0899764019863107


Social Sciences

