Delhi Old and New
Delhi, a megacity of 20 million, is a symbol of India’s heritage and modernity, old and new, conflicts and contradictions, and richness and poverty. It presents the pictures of contrasts and contradictions, of triumph and tragedy and chaos and order. All these add up in making Delhi a unique and throbbing city. This has been the cradle of many cities and Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb- a syncretic amalgamation of fine arts, cuisine, etiquettes, festivals, education, dance, drama, stories, crafts, poetry, and architecture.
This book Delhi- Old and New covers the evolution of Delhi, its flora and fauna, the river, the air, forests, parks and biodiversity. It also looks at the informal city, its workers and vendors, spatial and cultural asymmetries, slums, pollution and traffic. The book also provides a brief of museums, places of interest and landscape of Delhi.
This book Delhi- Old and New covers the evolution of Delhi, its flora and fauna, the river, the air, forests, parks and biodiversity. It also looks at the informal city, its workers and vendors, spatial and cultural asymmetries, slums, pollution and traffic. The book also provides a brief of museums, places of interest and landscape of Delhi.

Publication date
1 Jan 2022 – 30 Nov 2022
Social Sciences
Urban / Rural
Art and Culture