The IBP 6 Reading Committee Accolades

The IBP 6 Reading Committee Accolades

IBP 6 Reading Committtee Accolades - Humanities


Publishers Accolade for Outstanding Production Values

Inha Jung, Architecture and Urbanism in Modern Korea. University of Hawai’I Press: Honolulu 2013.


Most Accessible and Captivating Work for the non-Specialist Reader Accolade

Jeffrey W. Alexander, Brewed in Japan: The Evolution of the Japanese Beer Industry. University of Hawai’I Press: Honolulu 2014.


Specialist Publication Accolade

Daria Berg, Women in the Literary World in Early Modern China. Routledge: Oxon 2013.


Best Teaching Tool Accolade

K.W. Taylor, A History of the Vietnamese. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2013.


Ground-Breaking Matter Accolade

Richard Pearson, Ancient Ryukyu. University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu 2013.    


Edited Volume Accolade

Oliver Pye and Jayati Bhattacharya, The Palm Oil Controversy in Southeast Asia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies: Singapore 2012.


Best Art Book Accolade

Theresia Hofer, Bodies in Balance: the Art of Tibetan Medicine. University of Washington Press: Seattle 2014.


IBP 6 Reading Committtee Accolades - Social Sciences


Publishers Accolade for Outstanding Production Values

Alban von Stockhausen, Imag(in)ing the Nagas: The Pictorial Ethnography of Hans-Eberhard Kauffmann and Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf. Arnoldische Art Publishers: Stuttgart 2014.


Most Accessible and Captivating Work for the non-Specialist Reader Accolade

Robert Cribb, Helen Gilbert and Helen Tiffin, Wild Man from Borneo: A Cultural History of the Orangutan. University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu 2014.


Specialist Publication Accolade

Hans Ulrich Vogel, Marco Polo Was in China. New Evidence from Currencies, Salts and Revenues. Brill: Leiden / Boston 2013.                                                                                               


Best Teaching Tool Accolade

Li Narangoa and Robert Cribb, Historical Atlas of Northeast Asia 1590-2010. Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Eastern Siberia. Columbia University Press: New York 2014.          


Ground-Breaking Matter Accolade                                                                       

Lynette J. Chua, Mobilizing Gay Singapore. Rights and Resistance in an Authoritarian State. Singapore. NUS Press 2014.    


Edited Volume Accolade

Niko Besnier and Kalissa Alexeyeff (eds.), Gender on the Edge: Transgender, Gay, and Other Pacific Islanders. University of Hawai’i Press: Honolulu 2014.                        


Best Art Book Accolade

Venka Purushothaman (ed.), The Art of Sukumar Bose: Reflections on South and Southeast Asia. ISEAS Press: Singapore 2013.


IBP 6 Dissertation Reading Committee Accolades - Humanities

Most Accessible and Captivating

Vannessa Hearman, Dismantling the ‘Fortress’: East Java and the Transition to Suharto’s New Order Regime (1965-68)


Ground-Breaking Subject Matter

Philip Bradford Yampolsky, Music and Media in the Dutch East Indies: Gramophone Records and Radio in the Late Colonial Era, 1903-1942


Specialist Publication

Jamie Jungmin Yoo, Materiality and Writing: Circulation of Texts, Reading and Reception, and Production of Literature in Late 18th-Century Korea


IBP 6 Dissertation Reading Committee Accolades - Social Sciences


Most Accessible and Captivating
David Kloos, Becoming Better Muslims: Religious Authority and Ethical Improvement in Aceh, Indonesia.


Ground-Breaking Subject Matter
Tallyn Gray, Justice and Transition in Cambodia, 1979-2014: Process, Meaning, and Narrative.


Specialist Publication
Anke Marion Hein, Cultural Geography and Interregional Contacts in Prehistoric Liangshan.