Visions and Realities in Hong Kong Anglican Mission Schools, 1849–1941

Visions and Realities in Hong Kong Anglican Mission Schools, 1849–1941
Tim Yung
This article explores the tension between missionary hopes for mass conversion through Christian education and the reality of operating mission schools in one colonial context: Hong Kong. Riding on the wave of British imperial expansion, George Smith, the first bishop of the diocese of Victoria, had a vision for mission schooling in colonial Hong Kong. In 1851, Smith established St Paul's College as an Anglo-Chinese missionary institution to educate, equip and send out Chinese young people who would subsequently participate in mission work before evangelizing the whole of China. However, Smith's vision failed to take institutional form as the college encountered operational difficulties and graduates opted for more lucrative employment instead of church work. Moreover, the colonial government moved from a laissez-faire to a more hands-on approach in supervising schools. The bishops of Victoria were compelled to reshape their schools towards more sustainable institutional forms while making compromises regarding their vision for Christian education.

Publication date

1 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2021

Journal title, volume/issue number, page range

Studies in Church History


0424-2084 (Print) / 2059-0644 (Online)



