Political Events and Cultural Othering: Impact of Protests and Elections on Identities in Post-Handover Hong Kong, 1997–2021

Political Events and Cultural Othering: Impact of Protests and Elections on Identities in Post-Handover Hong Kong, 1997–2021
Francis Lap Fung LEE and Chi Kit CHAN
Much academic research has examined the transformation of Hong Kong people’s national and local identification after 1997. This article further develops the literature by focusing on the notion of cultural othering and adopting the perspective of eventful sociology. It contends that, up to year 2020, an important aspect of Hong Kong people’s identity change was the increasing tendency, especially among the younger generation, to see Hong Kong and Chinese identities as separable from—or even contrasting with—each other. This cultural othering was an ongoing trend augmented by both routinized and unpredicted political events. Analysis of longitudinal and individual-level survey data shows that Legislative Council elections and major social protests strengthened this tendency of othering. This article adds to the understanding of the post-handover development of Hong Kong people’s political identities. Theoretically, the article illustrates the role of political events in the process of cultural othering and identity evolution.

Publication date

1 Dec 2022 – 31 Jan 2023

Journal title, volume/issue number, page range

Journal of Contemporary China (online first): https://doi.org/10.1080/10670564.2022.2159756




Social Sciences

