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New town planning as diplomatic planning: Scalar politics, British–Chinese relations, and Hong Kong

Maurice Yip
Tin Shui Wai new town in Hong Kong, known as the “city of sadness,” has been narrated by the “Tin Shui Wai Myth” that attributes its urban problems to the planning failures after the colonial government rescued the developers, including a Chinese red capital, from a market slump in the early 1980s. This myth creates misunderstandings, which confuse recent debates about new town development and regional integration with China. To debunk this myth, this article, based on archival research, analyzes the scalar politics of new town planning and explains why the government decided to purchase the land and develop it in a partnership with the developers. It sheds new light on how the regional dynamics in South China after the economic reforms prompted China and Britain to react to the new town proposal at interconnected and contested spatial scales, before the diplomatic negotiations about this British colony’s future officially started.
Publication date
1 Jan 2022 – 30 Nov 2022
Journal title, volume/issue number, page range
Journal of Urban History, 48/2, 361 - 380
Social Sciences
International Relations and Politics
Urban / Rural
National politics