Shortlist and Winner IBP 2017 Chinese Language Edition
Organised and sponsored by The Education University of Hong Kong.
Secretary: Alfred Muluan Wu (EdUHK)
Acting Secretary: Wai Cheung (IIAS)
Reading Committee
Ma Liang
Ye Lin
Zhang Qi
Chan Hok Yin
Winner of IBP 2017 Chinese Language Edition
呂大樂 Lui Tai-Lok, 《香港模式:從現在式到過去式》 [Hong Kong Model: From the Present Tense to the Past Tense], Hong Kong: 中華書局 [Chung Hwa Book Company], 2015
Hong Kong Model is an attempt to reflect upon Hong Kong’s socio-economic and political development in a new political environment after decolonisation. The region is facing new macro challenges arising from the role of state, new economic structures and growing social inequalities. This analysis of Hong Kong is also relevant to a critical re-examination of the East Asian development model.
簡介 : 「香港模式──從現在式到過去式」探討了香港在回歸後的社會經濟與政治發展。脫離殖民後的香港在一個全新的政治環境之中發展,面臨著從政府角色的轉變,新經濟結構的形成到社會不平等的加劇等多方面的挑戰。而關於香港發展的分析也與對東亞發展的重新審視息息相關。
Shortlist IBP 2017 Chinese Language Edition
莊雅仲 Ya-Chung Chuang, 《民主臺灣:後威權時代的社會運動與文化政治》 [Democracy on Trial: Social Movements and Cultural Politics in Postauthoritarian Taiwan], Hong Kong: 中文大學出版社 [The Chinese University Press], 2014.
Democracy on Trial explores democratisation and social movements in Taiwan. Ya-Chung Chuang participated and closely observed the environmental protection and heritage preservation activities at the grassroots levels, and carefully analysed how NGOs advocating for the rights of labourers, women and ethnic minorities played a significant role in Taiwan’s democratisation. For the author, Taiwan is his research subject, his hometown, and it is also where his hope is.
簡介 :「民主台灣:後威權時代的社會運動與文化政治」嘗試書寫和理解台灣民主與社會運動的問題。作者親身參與環保運動、社區保育等基層行動,近距離觀察勞工和女性組織的運作結構和少數族裔的身份抗爭。書中所描繪的既是作者的家鄉也是作者的研究所在地。於作者而言,這個地方既是一個研究對象,也代表著希望與承諾。
劉曉原 Xiaoyuan Liu, 《邊疆中國:二十世紀周邊暨民族關係史述》[Frontier China: 20th-century Peripheral and Interethnic Relations], Hong Kong: 中文大學出版社 [The Chinese University Press], 2016.
In Frontier China, Xiaoyuan Liu portrays the historical process of the formation of modern China’s territory and ethnicity through case studies of several frontier regions. He argues that China’s transformation into a modern national state since the First Opium War continues until now, and such transformation has profound influence on almost every aspect of the modernisation process of contemporary China.
簡介 : 從中國近現代領土屬性轉型的大視角出發,《邊疆中國》通過研究中國邊疆問題的典型個案,梳理出中國近代國際關係和國內政治的發展脈絡。劉曉原指出,鴉片戰爭以後,中國開始了邁向近現代民族國家的轉型與發展,這場近代轉型延續至今,並在中國現代化發展的各個層面都產生了千絲萬縷的影響。
陳雪薇 Chin Hsuen Wei, 《伍連德研究:經驗、認同、書寫》 [A Study on Wu Lien-Teh: Experience, Identity and Writing], Singapore: 八方文化 [Global Publishing], 2014.
This book is a comprehensive academic monograph on Wu Lien-Teh, focussing on Wu’s practices in social reform and the modernisation of medical and health services. The author attempts to explore and analyse Wu’s multiple identities; the book involves topics concerning collective memory, identity and relationship between China and Southeast Asia.
簡介 : 本書為全面研究伍連德(1879-1960)的學術專著。全書緊緊圍繞伍連德在社會改革和醫療衛生現代化兩大方面的實踐展開,探討分析其多重身份。書中所涉及的論題包括集體記憶、身份認同及中國-南洋關係互動模式。