Accolades IBP 2017 Social Sciences
Publisher’s Accolade for Outstanding Production Value
Annette Miae Kim, Sidewalk City. Remapping Public Space in Ho Chi Minh City. The University of Chicago Press, 2015.
Most Accessible and Captivating Work for the Non-Specialist Reader Accolade
Peter A. Jackson, First Queer Voices from Thailand: Uncle Go’s Advice Columns for Gays, Lesbians and Kathoeys. Hong Kong University Press, 2016.
Specialist Publication Accolade
Jan Breman, Mobilizing Labour for the Global Coffee Market. Profits from an Unfree Work Regime in Colonial Java. Amsterdam University Press, 2015.
Teaching Tool Accolade
Richard von Glahn, The Economic History of China. From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Ground-Breaking Subject Matter Accolade
Serhat Ünaldi, Working Towards the Monarchy. The Politics of Space in Downtown Bangkok. University of Hawai’i Press, 2016.
Edited Volume Accolade
Linda Rae Bennett and Sharyn Graham Davies (eds), Sex and Sexualities in Contemporary Indonesia. Sexual Politics, Health, Diversity and Representations. Routledge, 2015.