中國佛教石經 - 山東省 - 第四卷: 泰山—經石峪

中國佛教石經 - 山東省 - 第四卷: 泰山—經石峪
《上冊:刻經》導論包括四篇文章。其一為雷德侯(Lothar Ledderose)《泰山經石峪概述》一文;其二為溫狄婭(Claudia Wenzel)《泰山〈金剛經〉》一文,探究了當地佛教發展歷史中的《金剛經》;其三為蔡穗玲《此經是塔》一文,探討了作為刻經址的經石峪原語境下的宗教禮儀功能;其四為王平國(Manuel Sassmann)《經石峪刻經研究史》一文,基於本卷《總錄》中翻譯的大量一手文本,作者追溯了十世紀以來直至今日有關刻經址的學術研究。《總錄》中亦涵蓋關於刻經址、刻經及其複製品的大量信息,並收錄照片、刻石拓片、矯正而成的完整原石面的正視圖像以及復原後的刻經原狀佈局。

This volume—which is actually two, one for each part—is the largest of the five volumes in the Shandong series of Buddhist stone sutras, and it deals with the greatest of all the stone inscriptions in China: the Diamond Sutra, carved in the second half of the sixth century, on a slope of roughly 2000 square meters, in the lush landscape of Sutra Stone Valley on Mount Tai. The introduction to “Part 1: The Sutra” consists of four articles: “A Panoramic View” by Lothar Ledderose; “The Diamond Sutra on Mount Tai” by Claudia Wenzel, which embeds the sutra in the local history of Buddhism; “The Sutra as Stupa” by Tsai Suey-Ling, which investigates how the site originally functioned in religious practice; and “The Historiography of Sutra Stone Valley” by Manuel Sassmann, who traces scholarly engagement with the site from the tenth century till the present day, based on numerous sources that are translated in the catalog section. That section also contains extensive information about the site, the sutra and its reproductions, as well as photographs and rubbings of the characters on the rock, an orthophotographically rectified image of the entire stone surface, and the reconstructed layout of the text.
“Part 2: The Colophons” presents the 62 colophons—that is to say, inscriptions—which were added to the site, beginning with a lost colophon contemporary with the sutra, through an inscription of 1961 by the foremost Marxist intellectual Guo Moruo, down to those in the 21st century. The introduction begins with an article on “A Lost Inscription at Sutra Stone Valley” by Zhou Ying, the leading local expert on the history of Mount Tai, who analyses evidence for a lost sixteenth-century engraving of the Confucian classic the Great Learning. Following this is “The Colophons of Sutra Stone Valley” by Lothar Ledderose and Tsai Suey-Ling, who present an overview of the colophons at the site through the centuries. In the subsequent catalog section, all the colophons are documented in detail, transcribed and translated, and each is accompanied by photographs, both historical and contemporary. Biographical information on the makers of the inscriptions and interpretations of their texts allow the reader to understand how attitudes towards the Diamond Sutra developed and changed over the course of time. The reader is also taken on a tour of other inscriptions on the mountain by the colophon writers, and thus gains a multifaceted, holistic view of one of China’s greatest monuments.
The entire series 中國佛教石經 Buddhist Stone Sutras in China is in traditional Chinese and English throughout and is published by 中國美術學院出版社 (Distribution in Asian Countries) and Harrassowitz (Distribution in Non-Asian Countries).


Wang Yongbo 王永波 and Lothar Ledderose 雷德侯


中國美術學院出版社 / Harrassowitz




1 Jan 2022 – 30 Nov 2022





