東南亞客家社團組織的網絡(The Networks of the Hakka Ethnic Associations in Southeast Asia)
Among the research on the overseas Chinese associations, the study of the Hakka ethnic associations has always been important. From traditional regional organizations in the 18th century to the Hakka federations in the 20th century, they have gradually helped develop “Hakka consciousness” in Southeast Asia. In recent years, new Hakka associations founded in Southeast Asia are associated with the Hakka from Taiwan. Taiwanese overseas Hakka organizations based on the Taiwanese businessmen organizations has become a new element of the overall Hakka ethnic organizations in Southeast Asia in recent decades.
Since the Hakka immigrants from Taiwan or the Hakka businessmen in Southeast Asia actively founded the new Taiwanese Hakka associations, this book explores Southeast Asian Hakka organizations in dividing them into the “old Chinese Hakka” type and the “new Taiwanese Hakka” type, and compare them systematically in order to discover the difference and similarity.
There are numerous studies on the Hakka associations, organizations and groups. In the past, these studies were mostly the detailed qualitative data compilation and description analysis on specific organizations, including the analysis on historical background, constitutions and current developments. They tended to neglect the inter-relations among the organizations over the years.
In order to thoroughly understand the overall inter-organizations relations and their trends among the Hakka organizations, it is necessary to adopt Social Network Analysis (SNA). In comparison to historical research, SNA focuses on social relations and linkages of the organizations. In contrast with research on specific associations, SNA manages cross-organizational analysis; and in comparing with other qualitative research, SNA can probe into social network relations of the organizations quantitatively. Thus, by SNA, this book collects organizational data of cross-national Hakka Associations, old Chinese Hakka associations, and new Taiwanese Hakka associations to conduct cross sectional study on the Hakka organizations so as to explore the overall development of contemporary Southeast Asian Hakka ethnic organizations.
There are three major analytical dimensions. First, it is the internal analysis of social network, focusing on the range as well as the network relations between the organizations. Secondly, it is the external analysis of social network of Hakka ethnic organizations and stressing on external nodes connected by the Hakka organizations. Finally, the Structural Hole Analysis finds the numbers of critical structural holes possessed by the Hakka ethnic organizations which serve as critical channels of relations among the organizations and it will show the roles of the crucial organizations in the relations of overall network.
The book then identifies the most well-connected Hakka ethnic associations. In the end, the book also proposes several practical and policy implications for the future development of the Hakka ethnic links between Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
Among the research on the overseas Chinese associations, the study of the Hakka ethnic associations has always been important. From traditional regional organizations in the 18th century to the Hakka federations in the 20th century, they have gradually helped develop “Hakka consciousness” in Southeast Asia. In recent years, new Hakka associations founded in Southeast Asia are associated with the Hakka from Taiwan. Taiwanese overseas Hakka organizations based on the Taiwanese businessmen organizations has become a new element of the overall Hakka ethnic organizations in Southeast Asia in recent decades.
Since the Hakka immigrants from Taiwan or the Hakka businessmen in Southeast Asia actively founded the new Taiwanese Hakka associations, this book explores Southeast Asian Hakka organizations in dividing them into the “old Chinese Hakka” type and the “new Taiwanese Hakka” type, and compare them systematically in order to discover the difference and similarity.
There are numerous studies on the Hakka associations, organizations and groups. In the past, these studies were mostly the detailed qualitative data compilation and description analysis on specific organizations, including the analysis on historical background, constitutions and current developments. They tended to neglect the inter-relations among the organizations over the years.
In order to thoroughly understand the overall inter-organizations relations and their trends among the Hakka organizations, it is necessary to adopt Social Network Analysis (SNA). In comparison to historical research, SNA focuses on social relations and linkages of the organizations. In contrast with research on specific associations, SNA manages cross-organizational analysis; and in comparing with other qualitative research, SNA can probe into social network relations of the organizations quantitatively. Thus, by SNA, this book collects organizational data of cross-national Hakka Associations, old Chinese Hakka associations, and new Taiwanese Hakka associations to conduct cross sectional study on the Hakka organizations so as to explore the overall development of contemporary Southeast Asian Hakka ethnic organizations.
There are three major analytical dimensions. First, it is the internal analysis of social network, focusing on the range as well as the network relations between the organizations. Secondly, it is the external analysis of social network of Hakka ethnic organizations and stressing on external nodes connected by the Hakka organizations. Finally, the Structural Hole Analysis finds the numbers of critical structural holes possessed by the Hakka ethnic organizations which serve as critical channels of relations among the organizations and it will show the roles of the crucial organizations in the relations of overall network.
The book then identifies the most well-connected Hakka ethnic associations. In the end, the book also proposes several practical and policy implications for the future development of the Hakka ethnic links between Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
中大出版中心,遠流(NCU Press,Yuan-Liou Publishing)