
国际亚洲研究学者大会研究图书奖 2021

Congratulations to the IBP 2021 shortlisted authors and publishers!

Shortlisted for the IBP 2021 Chinese Language Edition


Max Ko-wu Huang 黃克武 著, Above and Apart: Gu Mengyu and His Search for an Alternative Path in Modern Chinese History 顧孟餘的清高: 中國近代史的另一種可能. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2020.


Shao-Hua Liu 劉紹華, Leprosy Doctors in China’s Post-Imperial Experimentation: Metaphors of a Disease and Its Control 麻風醫生與巨變中國: 後帝國實驗下的疾病隱喻與防疫歷史. Acropolis, an imprint of Walkers Cultural Enterprises, Ltd. 衛城出版/遠足文化事業股份有限公司, 2018.


Chen Hao (ed. Hu Wenbo) 陈昊 著 /胡文波 责编, Medicine as On-going Meanings: The Order of Books, Physicians’ Body and the Emergence of Medical Identities in 6-8th Century China 身分叙事与知识表述之间的医者之意—6-8世纪中国的书籍秩序、为医之体与医学身分的浮现. Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House 上海古籍出版社, 2019.


Chih-Heng Su 蘇致亨, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Taiwan: The Life and Death of Taiwanese Hokkien Cinema 毋甘願的電影史:曾經,臺灣有個好萊塢. SpringHill Publishing春山出版有限公司 , 2020.


Wenkai He (trans. Jingling Wang) 和文凱 著 / 汪精玲 譯, Paths toward the Modern Fiscal State: England, Japan and China 通向現代財政國家的路徑:英國、日本和中國. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2020.



联系国际亚洲研究学者大会研究图书奖 – 中文版执行秘书 刘家瑄 (Cha-Hsuan Liu): c.liu@iias.nl

The winners of the IBP 2021 will be announced during the online IBP awards ceremony on 24 August 2021 (during the ICAS 12 opening). ICAS 12 will take place over a period of five days from Tuesday 24–Saturday 28 August 2021. Join our online conference platform which will be fully customised and transformed to give ICAS 12 a Kyoto-themed look and feel. 

Publishers and academic institutes are invited to exhibit at the online Asian Studies Exhibitor Gallery at ICAS 12 to showcase their publications and make sales, but most importantly scout for new manuscripts. With approximately 1,500 Asia Scholars coming together every two years, in different locations across the world each time, and this time online, the convention presents publishers and academic institutes with an incredible audience- and offers acquisition editors a very deep pool of potential new authors. ICAS 12 will also host events such as dissertation pitches, meet the author sessions and book presentations. For more information, please visit: site2.convention.co.jp/icas2021/fair