
2021年ICAS Book Prize (IBP)日本語版書籍賞 

Congratulations to the IBP 2021 shortlisted authors and publishers!

Shortlisted for the IBP 2021 Japanese Language Edition


Miyoko Taniguchi 谷口美代子, Assisting Peacebuilding: Mindanao Conflict and Road to Peace 平和構築を支援する ミンダナオ紛争と和平への道. The University of Nagoya Press 名古屋大学出版会, 2020.


Yuka Shimooka 下岡友加, Japanese Author of Postcolonial Taiwan: The Way of Lingzhi Huang ポストコロニアル台湾の日本語作家:黄霊芝の方法. Keisuisha 溪水社, 2019.


Tran Van Tho & Shunji Karikomi トラン・ヴァン・トウ、苅込俊二, The Middle Income Trap from a China and ASEAN Perspective 中所得国の罠と中国・ASEAN. Keiso Shobo 勁草書房, 2019.


Koutarou Endou 遠藤耕太郎, The Origins of Manyoshu 万葉集の起源. Chuokoron-Shinsha 中央公論新社, 2020.


Ryoko Miyazaki  宮崎涼子, Unfinished Sanctuary: One Hundred Years of Managing and Planning the Grounds of Gyeongbokgung Palace 未完の聖地ー景福宮 宮域再編事業の100年. Kyoto University Press 京都大学学術出版会, 2020.




問い合わせ: IBP日本語版Secratariat、Aysun Uyar Makibayashi  [auyar@mail.doshisha.ac.jp]



The winners of the IBP 2021 will be announced during the online IBP awards ceremony on 24 August 2021 (during the ICAS 12 opening). ICAS 12 will take place over a period of five days from Tuesday 24–Saturday 28 August 2021. Join our online conference platform which will be fully customised and transformed to give ICAS 12 a Kyoto-themed look and feel. 

Publishers and academic institutes are invited to exhibit at the online Asian Studies Exhibitor Gallery at ICAS 12 to showcase their publications and make sales, but most importantly scout for new manuscripts. With approximately 1,500 Asia Scholars coming together every two years, in different locations across the world each time, and this time online, the convention presents publishers and academic institutes with an incredible audience- and offers acquisition editors a very deep pool of potential new authors. ICAS 12 will also host events such as dissertation pitches, meet the author sessions and book presentations. For more information, please visit: site2.convention.co.jp/icas2021/fair