Civic education guidelines in Hong Kong 1985-2012: Striving for normative stability in turbulent social and political contexts

Civic education guidelines in Hong Kong 1985-2012: Striving for normative stability in turbulent social and political contexts
Eric Kingman Chong, Edda Sant & Ian Davies
Chinese nationalism (2012). We argue that guidelines about civic education are similar across these times of political turbulence. There are shifts in the content of the guidelines, but fundamental differences are not made explicit. The documents are not aligned with a theoretical framework of colonialism, liberal democracy, or Chinese nationalism, but rather, they are pragmatically oriented. The guidelines are signifiers of attempts to achieve normative

Publication date


Journal title, volume/issue number, page range

Theory & Research in Social Education, 48/2, 285-306


Print ISSN: 0093-3104 Online ISSN: 2163-1654


Social Sciences

